About Me

My name is Connie, and I run because I can.  I run for the adrenaline rush.  I run to beat the wall and to mentally break down and celebrate with joy.  I run because inside I really like it. I run for the bling (medals).  I run for the “me” time.  I run for the clarity in life I am provided when running.  I run so that I won’t sweat the small stuff. 

And I am running myself into sports. I am a Graduate Student at Full Sail University studying Sports Management. I plan to take my passion for running and my newly gained knowledge to literally run a marathon.  I inspire to one-day lead an organization that manages marathons, half-marathons, triathlons, and ultra endurance events.

As a kid my mom wrote notes to get me out of running. I was a swimmer not a runner. I was never great at running and still today don’t fit the “typical runner” profile.   But eleven years ago a direct mail piece changed my life.  I was introduced to Team In Training, the endurance program supporting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The program would train me to run the 2000 Chicago Marathon.  What I didn’t know at the time was that it would also help me through my new husband’s cancer diagnoses and treatment. I owe it to Team In Training for getting me through this extremely difficult time with my head on straight. 

Through the years I have continued to run, tried my hand at triathlons and found my comfort level in the half-marathon.  But never one to sit still I’m training with the Jacksonville Galloway group to run the 2012 National Marathon to Finish Breast Cancer.  In the mean time I’ll run at least 2 half-marathons and the Disney Marathon, as a training run. 

I hope that the tricks of the trade I share will help you with your running and look forward to the feedback provided to use in a future race you attend. 

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